
Escape Plan

Escape Plan also known as Exit plan is American action-thriller film.Starring by Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and co-starring Jim Caviezel. Escape Plan is directed by Swedish movie maker Mikael Håfström, and story is written by Miles Chapman and Jason Keller.This is the first film to pair up action film icons Stallone and Schwarzenegger.Film earn two time more money than they invested...

Two legends! 

Let me start by saying that the fact alone Schwarzenegger and Stallone are in their 60's doing a film like this is the ultimate reason to watch this. I can never understand why people claim they are too old. If anything they put people half their age to shame with their physical abilities and they should inspire people to want to stay energetic well into their senior years. This movie is absolute Gold! We finally have the two biggest movie stars of all time headlining a movie together and believe me you get what you pay for! The action and visuals were what I expected, very clear and stunning. The prison was almost a character itself in making the audience feel apart of the setting. My hat goes off to the director who was able to balance the off-screen chemistry between Stallone and Schwarzenegger and fuse it into the story. No joke these two guys were made to star in a movie together. The nostalgia is off the roof!! Every movie has its flaws and no doubt this one did but in saying that, I was able to automatically ignore them here because of the story, it was well paced. We see Stallone's character introduced as a prison security expert who is set up and put into the worlds most secure prison. Here he teams up with none other than Schwarzenegger who plays another prisoner, pretty much "the one you don't mess with". Together they plot their escape and it is done superbly! Overall I think this movie is a well made action thriller and will surprise audiences with something they haven't seen before from both Arnold and Sly. I will be surprised if this film doesn't get much attention at the box office because this movie goes back to a time when Hollywood was larger than life and gave us memorable characters and memorable action scenes.

They are making a deal xD

American Sniper

American sniper is film from 2014.Film is based on true story so i can say that is biographical war film.Chris Kyle is N.A.V.Y seal sniper witch every day saves lives of his friends and fellow soldiers in war in Iraq.Things go wrong when enemy sniper go to kill him soliders.In one situation he must decide whether to kill the enemy snipers and detect the position or to preserve him live and the lives of him friends...Film with main actor Bradley Cooper and director Clint Eastwood make a major success with a worldwide gross of over $547 million and six nominations:for Best Actor, Best Picture and won award for Best Song Editing!

The movies is about Chris Kyle's home life and military career with the US Navy as a SEAL sniper. The movie has some intense moments, containing violent and disturbing scenes. The movie doesn't portray Chris as a Rambo figure but rather a man that deals with the problems all soldiers have to face both overseas and at home. Clint Eastwood who is in his mid-eighties, shows us he still has it, directing an amazing film. The movie tells Kyle's story the way he told it in the first book. Overall, American Sniper is a great movie that has all the components, that make a movie great. For anyone who is a war film enthusiast, this is a movie for you. To those who call Chris Kyle a murderer and baby killer, I believe you fail to understand what soldiers sacrifice to protect our liberties and keep us free...this guy and today is legend in US army...

Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle
-Was U.S.Navy SEAL sniper with over 160 kills officially confirmed.He received two Silver Star Medals, five Bronze Star Medals, Commendation medal...On February 2.2013. Kyle was shot dead at a shooting range in Texas.His friend, aged 35 was also killed...

Fight Club

Fight Club is American drama film from 1999, film is based on novel with same name witch is written by Chuck Palahniuk. Directed by David Fincher and starring:Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter...Movie isn´t won any big award but today he is known as one of best films, also he is in top 10 on IMDb scale.

They together...

Fight Club is a rather dark drama filled with subtle comedy and with a rather dark ending. The ending is actually the most important scene in the movie and the director decided to begin the film with it too. However, he purposely leaves out the major twist you learn at the end. This is obviously done not to ruin the rest of the movie. However, the fact that you never learn the narrator's real name the entire movie is the most important part of this plot twist. When you learn that Tyler is actually just the narrator's mental projection, your entire understanding of the movie is changed. Tyler is the narrator's mental projection of what he wants to be. During the movie, the narrator's physical appearance worsens while Tyler's actually gets better. This was a consciously made decision by the director in the film. "We decided early on that I would start to starve myself as the film went on, while he would lift and go to tanning beds; he would become more and more idealized as I wasted away." The fact that the narrator's physical appearance degrades over the lapse of the film is an excellent choice to show how actually his mental state became worse and worse. This is why he eventually creates Tyler as an image of a true man and what he actually wants to be. What he wants to see in himself he envisions in Tyler.

Tyler is very masculine, handsome, and confident. All of these characteristics the narrator lacks. Tyler is what the narrator actually sees himself as becoming. He falsely sees partaking in these underground fight clubs to make himself more masculine. This is why Tyler's appearance becomes more ideal, while the narrator's worsens. He only sees himself become this more ideal person while in reality; he is not bettering himself at all. He quits his job, loses all connections to his friends and family, and completely loses track of who he actually is. The reason why the narrator creates Tyler is not only because of his hatred for his own lifestyle, but also how emasculate he felt in society. He has no confidence in his own self-image and who he is. When he goes to these self-help groups, he actually gains little confidence in himself seeing that there are actually people who are less of a man than he is and has bigger problems than he does. The first time he actually embraces this is when he is at the self-help group for men with testicular cancer. He convinces himself that he is also a victim. He is not actually a victim to the same circumstances these men face, but feels just as emasculate as they do. This is actually what relieves his insomnia. It isn't actually until he meets Marla that he sees how fake both of them are by going to self-help groups for their own pleasure that his insomnia worsens and eventually meets Tyler.

Film have awesome quotes like this...

The physical appearance of the characters in the movie Fight Club is an unnoticed decision the director made that emphasizes a crucial point in the movie. The fact that the narrator projects what he wants to be through Tyler is seen through his appearance. Tyler becomes more attractive while in reality, he becoming worse off and just more battered and beat up as the movie goes on. The narrator never comes to grip with this until the final scene of the movie. Once the narrator realizes that Tyler is just what he project, he sees how far Tyler has taken his role. He finds a middle ground between Tyler's over masculinity and his low self-esteem as 'kills' Tyler once and for all. setting that never once caters to anything unbelievable.Film is awesome so watch it!
There is trailer--->

And remember 1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB!

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