

Rocky I. (1976.)

This is story about poor boxer Rocky Balboa(Sylvester Stallone) witch live in Philadelphia.At that time champion Apollo Creed need new enemy because challenger was injured.Apollo wants give chance to someone un-popular boxer so he and him manager choose "The Italian Stallion"-Rocky Balboa witch on first didnt accept match but later he is decide to show what he know.He train hard with trainer Mickey.Rocky fought heart and pride and at the end he lose but he has withstood all 15 rounds and show world that he is not so easy opponent.This film was awarded for best film-drama and received Golden Globes.The film is made in budget of just $1 million and shot in 28 days and they earned $225 million!

Rocky II. (1979.)

After first part of Rocky the audience wanted and the second part so Sylvester Stallone made it.In this part Apollo received letters from people around the world that they wants rematch so after some time
they arrangements new fight.Rocky know that he must give all of him to win so he train hard to try win.Rocky knock out Apollo but and he is fallen on his lucky he was a more heart to stand up first so he get victory and became champion of heavyweight category.Film won best picture award and won People´s Choice Award for favorite motion picture.

Rocky III. (1982)

When Rocky as film became popular they wants make and third part.In this part Rocky win all challengers but one witch is not on list provokes him and Rocky accept match.In first fight Rocky lose title because Clubber(challenger) knock out him.Rocky want rematch and wants that him train Apollo Creed.In rematch Rocky knock out Clubber and back his title of champion in heavyweight category thanks to Apollo witch give Rocky good lessons about boxing.Film is also popular by song "Eye of the Tiger" written by group Survivor.Film received award for best original song.Film is cost $44 million and made just $3 million....

Rocky IV. (1985.)

In this part Rocky is leave Boxing life and he works with Apollo witch have match with Russian Ivan Drago.In match Apollo didnt fight on level so Rocky is wants throw white towel like a signature of surrender but Apollo say him if he do that he will kill him.Apollo is knock out and killed by Ivan Drago.Rocky have pangs of conscience and he wants avenge Apollo death so he challenge Ivag Drago witch physical was best fighter in world.Rocky is go to Russia for train, also with him was her wife and brother of wife.Rocky is knock out Ivan Drago in hard fight in heart of Russia.The film won five Golden Raspberry Awards.

Rocky V. (1990.)

For me Rocky V. is worst in Rocky series, but as film is excellent(i think you know what i mean).In this part one Boxer rather Tommy"Gun"Morrison witch wants Rocky like trainer on first times Rocky reject that but later accept to be him trainer.Tommy lower victory but on his match of life leave Rocky and go to manager who is really thief.After that Rocky meat Tommy at cafe and they go in fight.A lot people is watching street fight including him son Robert.Rocky beat Tommy and prove him who is boss.This film made $40 milion.

Rocky VI. (2006.)

In this part News make simulation of fight between Rocky witch is 62. and Mason Dixon heavyweight champion.After that Dixon freak out and challenge Rocky to fight.Rocky accept but he need boxer license so he was on court witch reject him but later when they see in how situation is Rocky body they give him license and he began with train with him team.Rocky is lose on points 2:1 but he was endurance all rounds.At the end but the whole hall was shouting Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!The film made about $34 million.

Creed (2015.)

Fight Club

This film is practically VII part of popular drama Rocky.In Creed son of Apollo-first Rocky enemy but later they became friends-want to boxing but he hide his real name because he want fight on himself glory.He talks with Rocky to train him and he accept that after many rejections.Later Rocky learned that he have cancer but it was on time so he is go on chemotherapy.But before match someone spread the word that he is Apollo son....Creed was fight in father pant and on the end lost but he prove that he have heart because he has endured 12 rounds.We expect Creed 2!

For me Rocky is best sport-drama ever ....many boxer today use him videos and music for motivation.This serial of films include sport and private life together so i can say.This is best serial of movies ever recorded!
Fight Club is American drama film from 1999, film is based on novel with same name witch is written by Chuck Palahniuk. Directed by David Fincher and starring:Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter...Movie isn´t won any big award but today he is known as one of best films, also he is in top 10 on IMDb scale.

They together...

Fight Club is a rather dark drama filled with subtle comedy and with a rather dark ending. The ending is actually the most important scene in the movie and the director decided to begin the film with it too. However, he purposely leaves out the major twist you learn at the end. This is obviously done not to ruin the rest of the movie. However, the fact that you never learn the narrator's real name the entire movie is the most important part of this plot twist. When you learn that Tyler is actually just the narrator's mental projection, your entire understanding of the movie is changed. Tyler is the narrator's mental projection of what he wants to be. During the movie, the narrator's physical appearance worsens while Tyler's actually gets better. This was a consciously made decision by the director in the film. "We decided early on that I would start to starve myself as the film went on, while he would lift and go to tanning beds; he would become more and more idealized as I wasted away." The fact that the narrator's physical appearance degrades over the lapse of the film is an excellent choice to show how actually his mental state became worse and worse. This is why he eventually creates Tyler as an image of a true man and what he actually wants to be. What he wants to see in himself he envisions in Tyler.

Tyler is very masculine, handsome, and confident. All of these characteristics the narrator lacks. Tyler is what the narrator actually sees himself as becoming. He falsely sees partaking in these underground fight clubs to make himself more masculine. This is why Tyler's appearance becomes more ideal, while the narrator's worsens. He only sees himself become this more ideal person while in reality; he is not bettering himself at all. He quits his job, loses all connections to his friends and family, and completely loses track of who he actually is. The reason why the narrator creates Tyler is not only because of his hatred for his own lifestyle, but also how emasculate he felt in society. He has no confidence in his own self-image and who he is. When he goes to these self-help groups, he actually gains little confidence in himself seeing that there are actually people who are less of a man than he is and has bigger problems than he does. The first time he actually embraces this is when he is at the self-help group for men with testicular cancer. He convinces himself that he is also a victim. He is not actually a victim to the same circumstances these men face, but feels just as emasculate as they do. This is actually what relieves his insomnia. It isn't actually until he meets Marla that he sees how fake both of them are by going to self-help groups for their own pleasure that his insomnia worsens and eventually meets Tyler.

Film have awesome quotes like this...

The physical appearance of the characters in the movie Fight Club is an unnoticed decision the director made that emphasizes a crucial point in the movie. The fact that the narrator projects what he wants to be through Tyler is seen through his appearance. Tyler becomes more attractive while in reality, he becoming worse off and just more battered and beat up as the movie goes on. The narrator never comes to grip with this until the final scene of the movie. Once the narrator realizes that Tyler is just what he project, he sees how far Tyler has taken his role. He finds a middle ground between Tyler's over masculinity and his low self-esteem as 'kills' Tyler once and for all. setting that never once caters to anything unbelievable.Film is awesome so watch it!
There is trailer--->

And remember 1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB!

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